This week I blogged over at Minds in Bloom about 8 FUN party games you can play in your classroom. I think you are going to love these games! The best part is that they are great for ANY time of the year. Here’s a quick teaser…
With so many holiday and class parties happening throughout the school year, I’m always looking for games to play that are simple, easy to setup, and LOADS OF FUN!
The 8 games that I’m going to share with you are some of my students favorites and would work wonderfully ANY time of the year. The best part is that they require minimal prepping or setup, which is a BIGGIE in my book! I mean, who has time to put together complicated games with a gazillion different materials when you have a room full of 25-30 excited and wound up kids bouncing off the walls ready to have some FUN!
1. Anteaters- This game is one of my students favorite!
Materials Needed: 1-2 bags of plain M&M’s or Skittles, straws, and paper plates or napkins (either one will do). Instructions: Divide students into teams (the number of teams doesn’t matter). Give everyone about 20-25 M&M’s. I like to prep these ahead of time in reusable and sealable plastic containers or Ziploc baggies. (The M&M’s represent ants) The goal is for students to pretend to be anteaters, and use only a straw to suck up and transfer as many ants/ M&M’s as possible from a napkin to a paper plate in 1 minute. The team that transfers the most wins.

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